November Victoria Housing Market Update

I have been on a journey to get fit for a couple of years and can say that I now feel younger and stronger than I have in a long time.  I'm not going to win any swimsuit competitions, but I'm sure enjoying feeling more energetic. 

I knew I needed guidance and accountability, so I hired personal trainer Paris Demers (who's since become internet famous, with over 151,000 Youtube followers) to help me.  I had thought, up until that point in my life, that working out meant pain, exhaustion, and hours and hours of time spent in the gym.  Paris has worked at my pace, with patience and encouragement, and it has made a world of difference.  

But as important as physical fitness is, mental and emotional health is also important.  We all need a little help now and then.  I've engaged a life coach to help with goals, both personal and business.  I've taken on a business partner to help even the load and ensure our mutual clients are cared for.  I'm finding that, in this everchanging world it is best to have someone in your corner.  

I hope I'm that person for you.  Real estate isn't just my job, it is part of my life.  Calls from clients are always welcome.  I enjoy being helpful and am honored that so many of you reach out for advice and guidance or just to share what is going on in your lives. 

Andrew Plank