Hosting a get-together at your house can be lots of fun, but it can be stressful, too, if your home isn’t up to the challenge. Whether your soiree is holiday-related or simply the venue of a routine family gathering, here are several things you can do to get it ready for your guests.
Entryway Lighting
The first thing you need to do is create an inviting atmosphere that says “Welcome!” You can do this by cleaning up the entryway into your home and making sure there’s plenty of lighting to guide their way. If you have a large front yard, be sure to provide adequate lighting all the way up to the door. Buy cheap solar lights to push into the ground and make sure the light bulbs are working in the porch light.
Clean Floors Make A Great First Impression
If you have no time for anything else, make sure the floors in your home are as clean as possible before the first guest sets foot inside. Clean floors make your whole house seem cleaner, so don’t ignore this vital step.
The Bathroom
A dingy bathroom can really put a damper on the festivities. Do your best to brighten this space by cleaning the grout with full-strength hydrogen peroxide. Simply spray it on, let it sit for 10 minutes, and then wipe it clean.
Next, add some flowers and pictures on the wall to give your powder room a welcoming vibe.
The Kitchen
The kitchen will likely be the center of all the festivities, so it’s important your appliances are up for the challenge. Check that the stove and oven are in perfect working order and clean the oven if you haven’t done so in a while.
There will likely be a mountain of dishes to do, too, so make sure your dishwasher is working well. And Lastly, clean out the fridge and check that the temperatures inside it and the freezer are at optimal settings.
Make Your Home Kid-friendly
If you already have kids, this step shouldn’t be too difficult. If you don’t have kids, but expect your guests to bring theirs, you’ll need to make some concessions to ensure their parents have a good time at your party. Here are a few ideas to consider.
Designate a spare room as a changing room or breastfeeding room for moms with babies
Set up a play area in the corner of your living room with pillows, toys, books, and a tablet for watching cartoons so young kids can be near their parents during the party.
Create a cookie decorating station for older kids to have some fun.
If you’re hosting a party at your house, now is not the time to make any huge renovations. You can, however, follow the tips outlined above to get your house ready for your guests.