May Victoria Housing Market Update

I'm often asked if I'm busy.

I am!

And then I'm not.

And then I am again.

REALTORS work with constantly shifting needs and timelines. People go from 'hot' to 'cold' to 'hot' again in the blink of an eye as they navigate the world of real estate.

Because life happens.

Interest rates, relationships, jobs, financial, health... A change in any of these variables can change the timing or plans for a buyer or seller.

My calendar for a day could be filled with meetings and showings, not a moment to spare, yet everything can shift or evaporate as the day unfolds.

For example, I may arrange to show four properties to a client. But on showing day, two are already under contract, another the seller came down sick and has cancelled showings, and the last, the buyers eagerly drove past that morning only to discover they don't like the "x"... (insert neighbourhood, lot shape, condition, bus stop out front, etc here) and they no longer want to view it.

The buyer who'd asked me that morning to prepare an offer for the condo we'd viewed the night before, calls a few hours later, after the paperwork is drafted and ready, to tell me a new property just listed and they want to pursue it instead.

The seller who I arranged to meet for review of an offer on their hot new listing has changed their mind and would prefer to wait and review any and all offers after the weekend open house.

And so my is day is now open.

Then I pivot to work on administrative or client care, or I may decide to go for a walk, or do errands, or go paddleboarding.


I'll get a call from another buyer... a hot property has listed and if not viewed quickly it will be sold to someone else, we need to get through it ASAP.

And another call, there is now a bully* offer submitted on that same hot new listing which is open for the next 4 hours and the seller decides they WILL work with it. And another call, that client I showed the condo to has decided that it IS the one for them and as it happens, the sellers are reviewing offers that day at 4pm, expecting multiple offers (and it is now 3pm).

This used to drive me crazy. I try to run a business that doesn't result in the tail wagging the dog, but real estate is fluid, and change can be fun and exciting if you accept it. One of the things I love about this business is that no two days are the same. So I have learned to go with the flow. I've learned to be more "Zen".

So am I busy? Yes! And sometimes no.

But actually, yes. This is the height of the spring market and as such the time when I'm typically the busiest I will be for the year.

Check out my weekly real estate broadcast, The Victoria Real Estate Show, Thursdays at 9:30 am. Follow my channel on Facebook or Youtube for show alerts and updates.

Andrew Plank